Military Relocation Specialists
Military Relocation Specialists
We Understand Your Special Requirements
Frequent transfers are a fact of life in today’s military. No matter how many times you have done it, it is never easy to move your family to another city. That’s why it is so important to engage a Real Estate Professional who is ready to help you through the two most complicated aspects of military relocation: finding a new home and selling your old one. ERA Neubauer Real Estate has been the area’s leader in military relocation since 1977. You can depend on our team to help you through the entire relocation process.
ERA Makes it easier for Buyers to Find Your Home
With four-out-of-ten potential home buyers coming from out of town, you need an easy way to reach these buyers first. ERA Real Estate makes it simple with, our international database of homes on the Internet and our Referral Network through CARTUS relocation.